[Attribution: the image above is part of a series of artist-made graphics for Just Seeds around the COVID19 crisis; check out Just Seeds’ collection for public use graphics for resistance, and to support these artists. This image is from N.O. Bonzo, follow @nobonzo on social.]
You’ll find on this page LINKS AND RESOURCES (and often already compiled guides of further resources) to assist anyone and everyone dealing with immediate and ongoing resistance work, political, social justice and human rights issues. There are also TOOLS and SYLLABI below. We aim to keep these resources easily accessible, clear, and readily available and shareable. When we find compiled resources we often eliminate others to reduce redundancy and confusion. All links and tools below have been reviewed for accuracy and continued access in the summer of 2022. An updated special topics section on Palestine was expanded in Fall 2023.
This is not an exhaustive list, and there are a number of categories below that we are actively in the process of researching and building resource guides around — as you may know, websites aren’t always maintained and some of our resources have gone dark and been removed. Please email us at operator@theoperatingsystem.org with links, resources, or any suggestions for this guide, or if you’d like to volunteer to help update and maintain it.
USING THIS PAGE / NAVIGATING THE ACCORDIONS BELOW: Each of the below categories is followed by media types under which you will resources related to that topic area – click on any of the PLUS (+) symbols to expand the resources found there (ie: SYLLABI, READING LISTS, etc).
PLEASE NOTE: the information available here is largely US based and focused, as the OS is based in Lenapehoking / Brooklyn, though our community extends beyond this country’s imaginary borders. What we’ve gathered here is an attempt to have extensive tools for use without attempting to house “everything” for all global citizens. If there is an area you’d particularly like to see covered that is not included, we welcome your input!
This reference guide seeks to prioritize DATA over DOGMA. It seeks to be a source of visibility and information, including making available the scale and scope of resistance to misinformation, silence, and obfuscation via mainstream western media as well as to counter the removal and censorship of resistance voices and allies on social media platforms, as well as to stand in opposition to the attacks on the free press within Gaza in October 2023. It considers the vital necessity for the creation of as many living archives as possible while active repression of information and scare tactics for resistance is happening worldwide. It seeks to balance and make more accurate the skewed picture being reported in Western Media and repeated by geopolitical economic players like the US, and those who speak publicly as leaders of those institutions. This project seeks, and prioritizes, life, and liberation for all people. It unequivocally calls for an end to all harm to civilians and to the planet, and stands firmly against genocide, and against the physical killing, abuse and manipulation of humans, language, and land in the service of money and power, full stop.
Resources like this often face criticism around perceived “one-sided”ness, but that is far from the case, and also a deep oversimplification (and invalidation) of the data and record this archive represents. While some of these resources come explicitly from activists aligned with Palestinian resistance (which is often the only place to find information because of media control on dominant culture), these resources rely largely on DATA from third party sources and international human rights organizations. When members of the public have been fed a deeply biased, doctored version of events for many years, anything but that version is going to evoke cognitive dissonance, and the emotions that accompany it.
In working to correct a skewed record, this project’s goals are not to reiterate the information or accounts already being widely shared, but to help a public have access to and see the range of voices, data, and scale of what they have not seen. It is a corrective to the accounts readily available, of voices and data that have been substantiated. The trouble comes when we really consider the extent to which the public is lied to by oppressors, again and again, for the gain of a few.
Many of these resources and actions have been compiled, written, researched, spoken, and led by those of the Jewish faith – the voices and accounts here include Israeli citizens and scholars, Rabbis and historians. It has been prepared with great respect for and acute awareness of the suffering of many of Jewish heritage, and in particular with reverence for the concept of Tikkun Olam, in Hebrew: תִּיקּוּן עוֹלָם, which literally translated calls for a ‘repairing of the world.’
The organization of the materials below seek to help stay the overwhelm so many feel, so that those seeking both immediate and longer term engagement can find support on this page, when time, energy, and capacity is so strained, and need so urgent.
– Elæ Moss, October 2023
- 1) Current Actions from Jewish Voice for Peace: (includes call scripts, petitions, letters for the NYT, etc)
2) Calendar of Resistance for Palestine! Global Events and Actions Calendar Aggregated by Samidoun / The Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network) – email at samidoun@samidoun.net or tag on social media for inclusion
3) 5Calls.org App / Website (includes Call for De-Escalation and Ceasefire as well as other current topics on which to call your reps, provides contact info and call scripts for each rep)
4) Legal Assistance and Guidance for Censorship / Doxxing – Palestinian Legal (US based)
5) All Out for Palestine / Palestine Digital Action Toolkit extensiveresource from the Palestinian Feminist Collective (on Action Network) – a printable and digital PDF! – includes countless links and resources as well – [pgs 3-4 are dedicated to actions and links to events, orgs, etc – but harder to use for fast actions. You can also download this directly, here]
6) Why Social Media Sharing (And Volume) Matters: There has been substantial evidence that those seeking to share information about and support for Palestinian resistance and voices have been censored and sometimes removed entirely from social media platforms, in addition to the bias and misinformation that has already been widely in evidence and reported even by the Advocates and allies report that a continued high volume of posts from those concerned about ongoing genocidal intent and actions in Gaza are being targeted and removed. Keeping up a high volume of posts and encouraging others to do the same and share widely (especially sharing and saving information from those on the ground) has been explicitly requested by those in Gaza and other areas of occupied Palestine, in this immediate case.
If you’re new to this research and overwhelmed by the massive amount of information, and looking for some excellent and clear explainers / graphics, some recommendations:
- The UN has a page dedicated to The Question of Palestine, here, including a brief animated history (video) and timeline.
- PALQUEST’s “Interactive Encyclopedia of the Palestine Question” – beginning with the OVERALL CHRONOLOGY tab and the specific THEMATIC CHRONOLOGIES – MAP TIMELINE GRAPHICS from AJ LABS (Al Jazeera) / and the TIMELINE on AJ Labs’ award-winning, UGC-driven “PALESTINE REMIX” site (up through 2015)
- PALESTINE, TODAY (interactive map-based web platform) and other data-driven graphic projects and slide decks from Visualizing Palestine (also see Palestine Open Maps)
- Palestine Educational Resource Compilation [Compiled by mycologist / educator / writer Dr. Patricia Ononiwu Kaishian, updated frequently, does not represent an organization; IG @queendom_fungi ] – HIGHLIGHTS:Long and organized list of History / Gen Ed resources, Multimedia (podcasts/documentaries, etc), IG accounts to follow, Jewish Voices on the Conflict, boycott, divestment and sanctions information, Stats from Current Situation, Action Items
- Palestine Digital Action Toolkit – see above for more details, added here again because in addition to action items most of this resouce is designed for deeper research / a slower pace of engagement
- An Incomplete Learn-In On Palestine from the editors at Mold Magazine – has some really great (and different) resources including a dropbox of materials from a 12-hr Learning Palestine radio program from Radio Alhara, and “Unprovoked Narratives,” a series of documentary films celebrating Gaza, streaming free from the Palestine Film Institute.
- COMPREHENSIVE: The inimitable Scott Long (long time Human Rights scholar and activist) has done the public the incredible service of putting his ENTIRE Palestine/Israel library, over 1700 books, on the cloud. It is exhaustive, and includes many voices. These are primarily in English, all in PDF or ePUB. He has encouraged sharing and downloading any and all. Please do.
- WHAT’s BEING RECOMMENDED IN THE MEDIA: A quick “Israel / Palestine reading list” search on google will show you that many media outlets have jumped into the fray to suggest particular materials. It’s useful to have these available because you’ll be able (as an exercise in MEDIA LITERACY) to compare what’s being recommended by different publications, booksellers, and publishers, in addition to orgs, activists, scholars, etc. Some to note include those from Foreign Policy Magazine, Slate (includes other media), the Atlantic, Blackwells (UK), and these collections from FiveBooks.
- SOME BOOKLISTS for K-12 LEARNERS, broken down by age group / learning level, at Social Justice Books
- Librarians + Archivists with Palestine [LAP] Gaza 2023 Action Toolkit
- Witness.org collective response guide for community archiving in Gaza [Eng/Arabic]
(also, general guide from them: The Activist’s Guide to Archiving Video @ Witness.org [Eng / Arabic / Spanish / Portuguese]) - Gaza Media Resources [for archivists / fact-checkers / Open Source researchers]
- Tool: Open Archive / SAVE app [Share / Archive / Verify / Encrypt]
- Resources for Help
- Find a Verified Abortion Provider (Abortion Finder)
- Find Abortion Services Near You or call 1-800-230-PLAN (Planned Parenthood)
- #AbortionPillsForever (Shout Your Abortion)
- The Plan C Guide to Abortion Pill Access: Support & Resources (Plan C Pills)
- Need an abortion? National Network of Abortion Funds “The National Network of Abortion Funds is here to connect you with organizations that can support your financial and logistical needs as you arrange for your abortion.”
- I Need An A (built and maintained by A Team Tech)
- The Miscarriage and Abortion Hotline
- Aid Access (initiative by Dr. Rebecca Gomperts)
- TransLash’s Trans-Affirming Guide to Roe v. Wade
- Repro Legal Defense Fund
- Donate to Funds
- High-tech surveillance in post-Roe America: Chilling new report outlines possible future (by Kathryn Joyce, Salon.com)
- Tips for Trans-Inclusive Reporting on Abortion and Reproductive Care (credit: @translawcenter)
- Abortion Explained: Disability Justice We Testify
- Out of the Alley: How self-managed abortion looks today. (by Lux Alptraum and Erika Moen, The Nib)
- Antiracist Syllabus (Iowa State University)
- Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism (ally-oriented; credit: Citizenship and Social Justice)
- Black Lives Matter PGI Micro Syllabus (all articles free to download through August 2020; credit: Politics, Groups and Identities @ Routledge)
- Prison Abolition Syllabus (credit: African-American Intellectual History Society)
- Abolition Overview and Syllabus (credit: Autostraddle)
- Justice Reform Syllabus (credit: Vera Institute of Justice)
- Black Lives Matter Syllabi
- BLACK LIVES MATTER Spring 2021 Syllabus (credit: Professor Melissa Harris-Perry)
- Black Lives Matter: Race, Policing, and Protest, #syllabus Resources (credit: Library Research Guides at Wellesley College)
- Black Lives Matter PGI Micro-Syllabus (credit: Politics, Groups, and Identities Journal)
- Charlottesville Syllabus – a resource created by the Graduate Student Coalition for Liberation to be used to educate readers about the long history of white supremacy in Charlottesville, Virginia. With resources selected and summaries written by UVa graduate students, this abridged version of the Syllabus is organized into six sections that offer contemporary and archival primary and secondary sources (articles, books, responses, a documentary, databases) and a list of important terms for discussing white supremacy. Only “additional resources” are not available online (but can be found either through JSTOR, at the library, or for purchase).
- GET OUT Syllabus (credit: Crystal Boson, PhD)
- What does prison abolition mean? Reading List (credit: seattle public library)
- Prison Abolition Reading List [Short] (Nathan Goodman, for Center for a Stateless Society)
- Abolition Reading List (The Abusable Past @ Radical History Review)
- “Prisons, Police, and Abolition” Reading List (Plus Free Book Download; from Because We’ve Read)
- The End of Policing, by Alex S. Vitale
- Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect?; A Truthout Collection edited by Joe Macaré, Maya Schenwar and Alana Yu-lan Price
- Instead of Prisons: A Handbook for Abolitionists (Free online text via prisonpolicy.org)
- Police Abolition 101: What a World Without Cops Would Look Like (in Mother Jones)
- What ‘Defund the Police’ Actually Means (Annie Lowrey, in The Atlantic)
- Defund (and redesign) everything. (in Deep Code)
- How Black Lives Matter Changed the Way Americans Fight for Freedom (Frank Leon Roberts for the ACLU)
- Schomburg Center Black Liberation Reading List
- Black Lives Matter Instructional Library (with read-aloud options)
- Master List of Black Revolutionary Readings
- Black Anarchism Reader – Full (free) PDF Download from Black Rose Anarchist Federation
- Angela Davis on Abolition, Defund Police, More on Democracy Now (June 6, 2020)
- Performative Allyship is Deadly (here’s what to do instead)
- America, This is Your Chance (Op-Ed, Michelle Alexander, in the New York Times)
- Combahee Throughline Immersion with Sangodare / Alexis Pauline Gumbs
- Prison Abolition Organizing Toolkit (credit: Critical Resistance)
- Resources for Accountability & Actions for Black Lives
- Transform Harm, a resource hub for ending violence, from Mariame Kaba.
- Resource Guide: Prisons, Policing, and Punishment (credit: Micah Herskind)
- Prison Abolitionist Resources (credit: Empty Cages Collective, UK)
- Resources to help Queer and Trans Prisoners
- Antiracist Starter Pack: Resources & Tools Regarding Racism and Anti/Blackness (& How to be a better ally)
- Scaffolded Anti-Racist Resources
- White Allyship 101: Resources to Get to Work (from the Dismantle Collective)
- Southern Poverty Law Center Campus Guide to Countering “Alt-Right” (direct link to pdf)
- Abolitionist Toolbox (credit: Project Nia)
- Transformative Justice Resources (credit: NYC Transformative Justice Hub)
- TAKING ACTION ON IMMIGRANT DETENTION (google doc) a summary of reported recommendations [compiled by Kelly McConney Moore, moore.kelly.m@gmail.com] *includes: legislative advocacy, how to be an ally during raids, organizations to donate to, KNOW YOUR RIGHTS guides and links to other information, political platforms and positions, protests/visibility, volunteer opportunities, boycotts, how to be a sponsor or offer sanctuary.
- BORDER ADVOCACY GROUPS (many in google doc above) from the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
- WHAT YOU CAN DO TO CLOSE THE CAMPS (again some repeats) from Yopp!
- UNDERSTANDING AND OFFSETTING IMMIGRATION BAIL (article with resources, links, and organizations supporting direct funding)
- On Indigenization and Decolonizing Your Syllabus:
- Decolonizing your syllabus: you may have missed some steps (Credit: Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR)
- Podcasts on Indigenization (Credit: Ivy Podcast Discovery)
- The Nasiona Podcast: Decolonizing & Indigenizing Storytelling, Part 1 and Part 2 (credit: hosted by and talk given by Julián Esteban Torres López)
- Decolonizing the Classroom (Credit: Liberated Genius)
- Decolonizing Your Classroom (Part One in a free series) (Credit: The Activist Classroom)
- 100 ways to indigenize and decolonize academic programs and courses from Shaunee Pete, Little Pine First Nations, University of Regina, Saskatchewan.
- 26 Ways to Be in the Struggle Beyond the Streets
- iOS shortcut blurs faces & metadata from protest images
- Organizing Resources (credit: Survived & Punished)
- NEVERTHELESS, THEY RESISTED (SMARTER, WITH BETTER TOOLS): some basics on resisting smarter, safer, within your rights.
- Firstly, if you’re hitting the streets, you should know your rights as a protestor. aclu.org/know-your-rights
- FOR NEXT STEPS, START HERE: (META-LIST): RESISTANCE MANUAL (A Project of Stay Woke) If you feel, on any day, that what you need to do most is get informed/learn, their “resistance tools” wiki is full of videos, podcasts, and strategic tools.
- PROTECT YOUR DATA: A 70-Day Web Security Action Plan for Artists and Activists Under Siege (credit: Candace Williams)
- BE PREPARED FOR ICE RAIDS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: ICE Raids Toolkit: Defend Against ICE Raids and Community Arrests (from the Immigrant Defense Project)
- You can locate any of your elected officials and their contact information on Common Cause. Here’s their guide to Finding and Learning about your Representatives.
- You can find out what bills are being voted on, what your reps voted, all their information, and far far more on the COUNTABLE app, conveniently scaled to mobile device use.
- Nervous about calling? we’ve got an article for that: How to Call Your Reps When You Have Social Anxiety
Feeling rusty in your basic understanding of how civics / US government works? You are not alone. So many people have sheepishly told me they feel they’re not capable of fully engaging in resistance because they don’t really understand how the government really works. Luckily, there’s lots of resources to help you out with that.- “American Government” Free course on Harvard Edx
- ThisNation.com Free online textbook, organized by institution, process, etc.
- Crash Course on US Govt & Politics (YouTube series)
- Curriculum by Sins Invalid
- Disability Justice In the Age of Mass Incarceration – #DisabilityJusticeNUSL (credit: Talila A. Lewis)
- Society of Disabled Oracles (credit: Alice Wong, Aimi Hamraie, and Jen White-Johnson) “This is a website featuring ‘telegrams’ by disabled oracles to the world in the form of text, video, audio, and graphic art. A living chorus and archive of disabled wisdom from the past, present and future.”
- Accessibility in the Arts: A Promise and a Practice (credit: Carolyn Lazard)
- Alt Text as Poetry (credit: Shannon Finnegan and Bojana Coklyat)
- AccessThat: Digital Accessibility Basics (credit: Rooted in Rights)
- #CripTheVote Blog (credit: Alice Wong, Andrew Pulrang, and Gregg Beratan)
- Navigating the Threat of Pandemic Syllabus Amid the worldwide spread of COVID-19, it’s a challenging time, and our thoughts are with those affected by this disease. In support and solidarity, we are providing free access to the following books and journal articles to help build knowledge and understanding of how we navigate the spread of communicable diseases.
- Care in Uncertain Times Syllabus As we collectively deal with the implications of social distancing, stay-at-home orders, and a global pandemic, questions of care and self-care have become ever more important. These books, issues, and articles investigate different ways that care can bind together individuals and communities where larger institutions or governments fail to intervene. They show how radical care is essential to enduring precarity and to laying the groundwork for new futures.
- Mutual Aid Document
- Natl Resource List — Minneapolis Uprising & Beyond
- ANTI CORPORATE PRIDE Reclaim Pride Coalition NYC
- Money-Handling and Taxes for Mutual Aid Groups (credit: Barnard Center for Research on Women)
- Collective Care Is Our Best Weapon against Pandemic and Endemic Disasters (credit: Cindy Milstein and Mutual Aid Disaster Relief)
- Mutual Aid Funds & Public Assistance Trans Lifeline
- Open Access Publishing Tools (Radical Open Access)
- Collaborative Creative Practice Resources (The Study Center for Group Work)
- The Hologram: Feminist, Peer-to-Peer Health for a Post-Pandemic Future by Cassie Thornton (may be available at your local library, etc.)
- P2P [Peer to Peer] WIKI GLOBAL CORONA SOLIDARITY INITIATIVES “Commons-oriented, P2P-driven, open source initiatives to help combat the outbreak of Covid-19.”
- P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival
- Stop LAPD Spying Coalition See “Our Research And Resources”
- AUTOMATING BANISHMENT: The Surveillance and Policing of Looted Land
- Defund Surveillance: Our campaign to dissect and defund LAPD’s $3.1 billion yearly budget
- The Stalker State: An interactive journey through the architecture police use to control us
- The Algorithmic Ecology: An Abolitionist Tool for Organizing Against Algorithms
NOTE: this archive includes previous areas of resource collection that are not necessarily evergreen / are no longer actively useful in relationship to past events and crises but may be useful for research and/or to follow up on ongoing practices and efforts following activist work in these locations or around these topics.
- The Standing Rock Syllabus Project (credit: Public Seminar)
- Standing Rock Two Spirit Nation
- To voice your opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline, call:
- North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple, at 701-328-2200.
- The White House, at 202-456-1111.
- Energy Transfer Partners, the pipeline owner ― Lee Hanse, executive vice president, 210-403-6455; Glenn Emery, vice president, 210-403-6762; Michael (Cliff) Waters, lead analyst, 713-989-2404.
- Army Corps of Engineers, which issued the permit allowing construction of the pipeline, even though it would cross under the Missouri River within a half-mile of the Sioux reservation boundary, at 202-761-5903.
- How to Contact the 3 Dozen Banks Still Backing Dakota Access Pipeline Companies (credit: YES! Magazine)
- Volunteer remotely with legal or media skills:
- Email sacredstonecamp@gmail.com, or phone 701-301-2238.
- Joint statement from the International Women’s Health Coalition + Center for Health and Gender Equity on how FOSTA/SESTA put sex workers in danger
- Support Sacramento organizations seeking justice for Stephon: Sacramento City College Black Student Union, Black Lives Matter Sacramento, Build. Black. Sacramento
- Trump 101 Syllabus
- Trump 2.0 Syllabus
- #IAmNotAfraid Curriculum for All Educators and Organizers, for our Children (A Response to the Results of the US Presidential Election and Donald Trump) — Jana Lynne Umipig, prepared for students and staff at El Puente
- Material suggested by anthropologists and others in response to question of what we should read/discuss in light of victories of both Donald Trump in US and Brexit campaign in UK
(This list includes explicitly ethnographic accounts, journalism prioritising ‘voices’ from conservative (or conservative-voting in 2016) communities, first-person memoirs and commentary. Some are slightly older, many are recent. Some are a little more tangential than others, of course this is a pretty nebulous area, communities that are ill defined, not homogenous, not necessarily ‘conservative’ in universally accepted ways, not always White, not always poor etc etc.) - Retailers to boycott