Artist: Anna Rhys-Jones
"Out of the Blue" by Anna Rhys-Jones (oil on canvas)
The Coco Model
"CoCo" stands for Collaborative Content. We held our first open Salon for the selected contributors for issue 1 (and friends) on January 22nd, 2012. Here is the text of the original invitation, which describes our intentions:
Notes on Biology
"Notes on Biology" is an award-winning animation from our friends at Ornana Films.
Resources + Lifehacks: do your own damn letterpress
Shared open letterpress studio time at The Arm at 3rd Ward, here in Brooklyn. I already used letterpress back in undergrad but I’m going to take the refresher intro so that I can join the collective and start using the
Local Luminaries: SLICE magazine
SLICE magazine is doing great things (and is local!) -- check out their website for evidence of another pub doing community/events/interviews as well as successful web/print hybridization. yay slice!
Lit Events: NYC: Chapbook Festival at the Center for the Humanities
This annual festival celebrates the chapbook as a work of art and as a medium for alternative and emerging writers and publishers. Now in its fourth year, the Chapbook Festival features a two-day bookfair with chapbook publishers from around