Elæ Moss
ELÆ MOSS is a nonbinary multimodal artist-researcher, producer, and educator. In 2021, they co-curated [MOVE SEMANTICS]: RULES of UNFOLDING at EFA Project Space with Jeff Kasper. Projects and performances have featured at STWST/Ars Electronica, Usdan Gallery, Judson Church, the Segal Center’s Performing Knowledge Festival, SOHO20, Dixon Place, and the Exponential Festival, among others. Publication credits include Vestiges, Big Echo: Critical SF, Tagvverk, Matters of Feminist Practice, The Transgender Narratives Anthology, Choice Words: Writers on Abortion, and the Urgent Possibilities: Feminist Poetics & Pedagogies annex series. Moss is a Professor at Pratt Institute, and the Founder and Creative Director of the Operating System and Liminal Lab.