[6 wks, Saturdays 11 am EST – 1pm EST; March 27-May 1]

What wants to be heard? What do we capture with language? The hearing we beckon as feeling humans is a vital ability for a writer. Where we place ourselves in the world dictates our chosen evolution, to be the change we hear inside. This course explores our sensory intelligence as a primal creative spark to nurture — a feel to record. In six sessions over six weeks, each workshop will integrate language with movement, sound, and visual art, to explore the performative edges that embody transformative work. Exercises will lead to text will lead to bodywork will lead to discussion and inter-play among participants. By cultivating the speaking-seeing-hearingvoice in our physical space, we can discover epic possibility, once given room to roam. Release/freedom/failure/mobility — are the cornerstones of this workshop. The materials you would bring to an art class would fit in here; rock, paper, scissors, light, shadow, dirt, memory, ears, voice, iPhone, body, lingo — the materials you would bring to a poetry class would fit in here. Session experiences will gravitate towards generating language more than critique. Work will be presented across mediums, weekly assignments will be given, with assorted follow ups sent during the week. [Note: An earlier, “FEEL RECORDINGS” session ran in the summer of 2020, but these programs are nonlinear — available to practitioners across mediums, everyone and anyone, with no prior experience needed. Enrollment in the prior workshop is entirely unnecessary, and past students are encouraged to return for a new/evolved experience with Edwin this spring!]  
About the Facilitator: Edwin Torres is the author of 9 books of poetry including, XoeteoX: the infinite word object (Wave Books), Ameriscopia (University of Arizona Press) and The PoPedology of an Ambient Language (Atelos Books). He is editor of the inter-genre anthology, The Body In Language: An Anthology (Counterpath Press), which he reframed as a 4-week Zoom series entitled, “Our Bodies In Language: A Series.” He has performed his multi-disciplinary bodylingo poetics worldwide, and received fellowships from NYFA, The Foundation for Contemporary Art, and The DIA Arts Foundation. He has taught his process-oriented workshop “Brainlingo: Writing The Voice Of The Body,” at many educational facilities, including Naropa University, Bard College, The Poetry Project, Poets House and UPenn. Anthologies include, Fractured Ecologies, Who Will Speak For America, American Poets In The 21st Century: Poetics Of Social Engagement, Postmodern American Poetry Vol. 2, Kindergarde: Avant Garde Poems For Children, and Aloud: Voices From The Nuyorican Poets Café. Edwin has always explored the boundaries, of his work, Eleni Sikelianos says, “There are experimental poets, Torres may be the experiment.” brainlingo.wixsite.com/edwintorresbio (updated bio), brainlingo.comheyedwin.com
ALL ACCESS PRICING MODEL / PAY WHAT YOU CAN / COMPARISON COSTS: Liminal Lab is committed to providing a source of income for our collaborators and facilitators in an increasingly precarious time for culture workers and educators. However, no one will ever be turned away for lack of fundsWe ask that those who can pay the suggested price, and/or help cover the cost of scholarship slots in each of our programs by sponsoring other participants. 
  • Compare the below to the cost for a similar accredited workshop in a university setting (where most of the $$$ goes to institutional bloat):  $1035  — we show you this so we can begin to think about wtf is happening in our institutions, where both students and faculty get the short end of the stick.
  • At a standard “Market Rate,” at arts orgs: $350*
  • Recommended Sliding Scale: $30-50/session → $180-300 for the series
  • Precarity Pricing: $10-20/session
  • Barter / Volunteer / No Cost Option Available
  • Membership / Sponsorship: You may now become a member of Liminal Lab! Which allows you to support as well as participate in this and other programs. By becoming a member, you can also sponsor low or no fee participants in this workshop with a donation of any size.

Did you know? You can click here to become a member, or
to make a donation to support low and no cost participation in our programs for others!

1942 Amsterdam Ave NY (212) 862-3680 chapterone@qodeinteractive.com
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