Mycelial De/composition with Chloe Zimmerman

[a 2-session hybrid program; in Prospect Park, Brooklyn June 26th (11am-2pm) & online July 10th (11am-1pm)]

About this program: Mycelial De/composition  is a collaborative research and writing workshop inspired by the extracellular digestion of fungi.

It begins with this prompt:

Humans and fungi are more similar than one might think, and one commonality we share is enzymatic digestion. But while humans digest internally, fungi secrete enzymes into their environment, breaking things down and making nutrients available for themselves and myriad beings simultaneously. As Anna Tsing puts it, “fungal eating is often generous: It makes worlds for others.” How might we look to mycelium as a model for learning and making as a chance community?

This workshop will take place over two sessions;

  • SESSION ONE – Saturday, JUNE 26th (11am-2pm) – IN PERSON at PROSPECT PARK (grand army plaza entrance) & with a brief foray into the Brooklyn Public Library (central branch)
  • SESSION TWO – Saturday, July 10thth (11am-1pm) – ONLINE (date & time flexible, and to be confirmed by the group that convenes)

This workshop with Liminal Lab is one in an ongoing series. Each mycelial de/composition workshop partners with a different organization, community or small press, activates a different library or archive, and yields a collective zine, a collage of corresponsive perspectives created by the chance ecosystem of participants who gather. Together these zines compose Hyphae, a cross-press journal.

Participants will receive a PDF of our volume of Hyphae / the collected work we create together, which will also live on the OS’s Open Access Library; print copies will also be available, and distributed by the OS / Ingram.

If you are interested in participating in a future mycelial de/composition workshop, in person or online, but cannot attend this one, reach out here.

COMMUNITY SAFETY PROTOCOL NOTE: this workshop is our first in 2021 which is being held, in part, in person. Any and all activities will be held with strict attention to social distancing, for the comfort and safety of our community. Masks are required for any and all indoor activities, and outdoor activities will be distanced and masked and/or require explicit consent from all participants for unmasking. If you are uncomfortable with an in person workshop at this time or are not located in the New York City area, please follow up with the facilitator at the link above to be contacted with information for a future online iteration.

Chloe Zimmerman is an artist, writer, and educator engaging with ecologies, documentary poetics and collaborative learning and making across disciplines. Chloe founded and facilitated the Mycological Research Playgroup, a research and production group for artists to learn about and with fungi, and, with Lucia Monge and Christopher Kennedy, co-created Fruiting Bodies, an experiment using community science, sculpture and ritual to explore fungal inoculation, mycoremediation and social exchange. She also co-founded Meshwork, a study group with a focus on correspondence and entanglement. Chloe teaches creative practices in spaces that have included a community biology lab, a floating food forest, public libraries and parks, Wendy’s Subway, Mono No Aware, MoMA, the Museum of the Moving Image, and the Queens Museum’s New New Yorkers Program. Chloe was a Collaborative Fellow at UnionDocs Center for Documentary Art, and is currently an MFA candidate at Brown University.



Liminal Lab is committed to providing a source of income for our collaborators and facilitators in an increasingly precarious time for culture workers and educators. However, no one will ever be turned away for lack of fundsWe ask that those who can pay the suggested price, and/or help cover the cost of scholarship slots in each of our programs by sponsoring other participants. 

  • Compare the below to the cost for a similar accredited workshop in a university setting (where most of the $$$ goes to institutional bloat):  $800  — we show you this so we can begin to think about wtf is happening in our institutions, where both students and faculty get the short end of the stick.
  • At a standard “Market Rate,” at arts orgs: $500
  • Recommended Sliding Scale: $40-100/session → $80-200 for the series
  • Precarity Pricing: $10-40/session
  • Barter / Volunteer / No Cost Option Available 
  • Membership / Sponsorship: You may now become a member of Liminal Lab! Which allows you to support as well as participate in this and other programs. By becoming a member, you can also sponsor low or no fee participants in this workshop with a donation of any size.

Did you know? you can click here to become a member, or
to make a donation to support low and no cost participation in our programs for others!


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