
  • Jeff Musillo (author, artist)
  • Elæ Moss (artist)

Page count



Poetry, Visual Poetry, Concept, Experiment, Experimental

Publication date




Publication media type

Print Document

Can You See That Sound

With this piece I wanted to break apart ideas and structures that I was familiar with and re-shape them to create new pictures; imagery that flies in from different directions while also forming coherent stories and feelings. – Jeff Musillo

When I received his manuscript, I thought Jeff’s work was expansive and refreshingly playful, working with language visually and sonically, removing the page even while accepting it as a conduit/home. He allowed me to reformat the work for the constraints of the chapbook series, giving us both a chance to re-imagine these conceptual intentions as something mutable — in fact, the piece is ultimately conceptual design in text form (unsurprising given Jeff’s multidisciplinary background in visual art and film). – Lynne DeSilva-Johnson, Managing Editor / Series Curator

About the Contributor(s)

Jeff Musillo is a writer as well as a visual artist who works both on canvas and in digital format. He has exhibited widely in New York City, and his work was recently featured in the film The Heart Machine, as well as in Neurocentrikk Magazine, Turntable Magazine, and Aesthetics Magazine. His work in film recently premiered at the Hoboken International Film Festival and the Katra Film Series in New York City. Jeff’s short stories have been published widely online, and he recently released his debut novel, The Ease of Access. His narrative non-fiction volume, Snapshot Americana, was published in July 2014 by Roundfire Books.

Elæ Moss is a multimodal artist-researcher, curator, designer, and educator. Seeking Speculative Solidarities, they employ analog and digital media to investigate human, institutional and ecological systems and to iterate open source strategies for ecological and social change. Recent projects have shown at La Mama Galleria, EFA Project Space, STWST/Ars Electronica, Usdan Gallery, Judson Church, the Segal Center, SOHO20, Dixon Place, and the Exponential Festival, among others. Select publications include Big Echo, Tagvverk, Vestiges, Matters of Feminist Practice, The Transgender Narratives Anthology, Choice Words: Writers on Abortion, The Brooklyn Poets Anthology, and Resist Much, Obey Little: Inaugural Poems to the Resistance. Books include Ground, Blood Altas, Overview Effect, Sweet and Low: Indefinite Singular, Bodies of Work, and The Precarity Bodyhacking Work-Book and Guide. Moss is a Professor at Pratt Institute, and the developer / founder of the Operating System + Liminal Lab. More at: and

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