
  • Elæ Moss (author, artist)
  • Stormy Budwig (author)
  • Cory Tamler (author)





Page count



Workbook, Resource, Guide, Archive, Trauma, Health, Mental Health, Physical Health, Disability, Experiment, Experimental, Collaboration, Prompt, Prompts, Queer, LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQIA, Ritual, Meditation, Performance, Writing, Learning, Community Learning, Workshop

Publication date




Publication media type

Print Document
Performance Text

Publication series

Kin(d)* Texts & Projects
The Trouble With Bartleby

Collaborative Precarity Bodyhacking: Work-Book and Resource Guide

Presented in 2019 as part of ‘resistance fantasies’ at the Exponential Festival, “Collaborative Precarity Bodyhacking” was a series of cross-disciplinary workshops addressing precarity’s trauma-resonant effects on mind and body programming. These intensive gatherings employed individual and group work that included writing, performance, movement, breathwork, mindfulness, and dialogue, making space for reading, ritual, and emergent documentation.

For this project we have translated and expanded the processes and framework of these workshops into a DIY open source workbook and resource guide, for anyone interested in working through these exercises independently, or in community, or potentially using these resources to teach or gather your own similar workshops or experimentation!

No previous experience in any of these disciplines is necessary, and exercises are adaptable to the needs and abilities of different bodies.

[Originally released in a Limited Edition in 2019, this edition 2021.]

About the Contributor(s)

stormy budwig is a dance artist living and working in Montpellier, France and nomadically across the US. stormy has presented dance projects and performance installations at the Centre Chorégraphique National Montpellier, CDCN Toulouse - La Place de la Danse, and in New York at La MaMa Moves! Festival, Center for Performance Research, McCarren Park, AUNTS, Roulette, and more. stormy was in the master exerce cohort from 2019-2021 and is an active founding member of the Hungry Mothers collective researching and reconstituting an embodied commitment to the planet. She is a student of water changing form, hydropoetic expressions, and the mycelial underground that never ceases to salvage, connect, and repair. Visit her website to see what’s brewing in the realm of dancing, facilitation, writing, and gathering.

Elæ Moss (b. Lynne DeSilva-Johnson, 1979) is a nonbinary neuroqueer disabled multimodal creator and performer, cultural scholar, and educator. Their work of building Speculative Solidarities employs experimentation across analog and digital media to consider intersections between persons, forms of language, and systems, directed towards seeding resilient, open source strategies for ecological and social change. Elæ is the founder and creative director of The Operating System & Liminal Lab, a radical open source arts organization, online platform, peer learning and publishing initiative. Prior to coming to Pratt, they taught in the CUNY system for 10 years, in addition to serving as a teaching artist for myriad organizations and schools for learners of all ages, and working for many years in the trenches of NYC’s hospitality and service industries. They are dedicated to the development of and access to collective learning models, tools, and resources, and in 2019 founded Liminal Lab, an open access peer learning platform, as an extension of the OS. Elæ’s work and performances have appeared widely. Recently, they presented [MOVE SEMANTICS]: RULES of UNFOLDING, co-curated with Jeff Kasper as part of EFA Project Space’s “BRIGHT FUTURES” awarded season.

Other recent projects include: the APRIORI Field Station at STWST/Ars Electronica, R&D with the Mycelium Network Society, the Speculative Resilience Radical Practice Library for Bushwick Open Studios and the Anarchist Bookfair at Judson Church, How to Human: Disruptor Mechanism Protocol for the Segal Center’s Performing Knowledge Festival, Building Interpersonal Infrastructures at SOHO20, and Collaborative Precarity Bodyhacking with storm budwig and Cory Tamler for the Exponential Festival. Publication credits include Vestiges, Big Echo: Critical SF, Tagvverk, Matters of Feminist Practice, The Transgender Narratives Anthology, Choice Words: Writers on Abortion, the Urgent Possibilities: Feminist Poetics & Pedagogies annex series, and many more. Books include Ground, Blood Altas, Overview Eff ect, Sweet and Low: Indefinite Singular, Bodies of Work (in collaboration with painter Georgia Elrod), and The Precarity Bodyhacking Work-Book and Guide. Find and follow their social practice projects online via IG @thetroublewithbartleby, or at

Cory Tamler is a writer, translator, and interdisciplinary artist whose practice is rooted in theatre, performance as research, and community organizing. She currently co-facilitates/creates work with the Penobscot River watershed and In Kinship Fellowship
as a core artist with Open Waters in Wabanaki/Maine. A former Fulbright scholar, she has created and participated in research-based performance projects in the United States, Germany, and Serbia, and has worked with museums and companies including the New Museum for Contemporary Art, The Civilians, the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center, the James Gallery, Sprat Artistic Ensemble, Yinzerspielen, and the School of Making Thinking. She is a member of the editorial team of the GrayLit Culture Hub and a Ph.D. candidate in the Program in Theatre and Performance at The Graduate Center, CUNY, where she also co-coordinates the Social Practice CUNY initiative. Her dissertation research, which ahs been supported with awards from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and Art & Science Connect, compares contemporary experimental practice in physics and performance. A core artist with civic arts organization Open Waters (Maine), Cory has written a play about small-scale farming and a book of performance scores based on migratory fish. Cory was a Fulbright Scholar (Berlin) and her academic and critical writing and translations have been published in The Mercurian, Studies in Musical Theatre, Asymptote, Culturebot, The Offing, Extended Play, Howlround, and SCENA. As a Ph.D. student in Theatre and Performance at the Graduate Center, CUNY, she studies open-ended artistic work from social practice to community-based theatre.

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