Hara-kiri on Monkey Bars is a work in four parts, exploring, among other things: silicone breasts, hairless limbs, and see-through underwear; the influence of the media on attraction, submissiveness, and gender; condoms bananas pills, exhausted Barbie dolls, biology, education, and menstruation; daisies, knights, sleepovers, clothes that do not suggest, childhood, innocence, and love; paper cuts grannie panties, age, motherhood, and suicide. In the first and second sections, the forms of the poems follow the chemical structure of the 16-androstenes in pheromones, while the fourth section follows the chemical structure of serotonin: (C 10 H 12 N 2 O). Lastly: the answer to the introduction is the conclusion.
Anna Hoff is working in a public school in Madrid as a part-time helper. The rest of her time is spent writing. You can find some of her work on medium(dot)com/@hoff(dot)anna(dot)wester. She studied literature at the University of Montreal.
Heidi Reszies is a poet/transdisciplinary artist living in Richmond, Virginia. Her visual art is included in the National Museum of Women in the Arts CLARA Database of Women Artists. She teaches letterpress printing at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts, and is the creator/curator of Artifact Press. Her poetry collection titled Illusory Borders is forthcoming from The Operating System in 2019. Her collection titled Of Water & Other Soft Constructions was selected by Samiya Bashir as the winner of the Anhinga Press 2018 Robert Dana Prize for Poetry (forthcoming in 2019). Find her at heidireszies.com.