
  • Bijan Elahi (author)
  • Rebecca Ruth Gould (translator)
  • Kayvan Tahmasebian (translator)
  • Farid Bayan (artist)





Page count



Poetry, Prose, Translation, Photography, Archive, Persian, Iran, Posthumous, Tribute, Language

Publication date



Persian, English

Publication media type

Print Document

Publication series

Glossarium: Unsilenced Texts

High Tide Of The Eyes

[A Glossarium / Unsilenced Texts & Projects Persian-English Dual-Language Translation]

The hermit-poet of modern Persian literature, Bijan Elahi (1945-2010) was a modernist poet, a prolific translator of Eliot, Rimbaud, Michaux, Hölderlin, and the founder of Other Poetry, the leading avant-garde movement within Persian modernism. Elahi passed the last three decades of his life in seclusion in his house in Tehran. He stopped publishing poems and never appeared in public following his official retreat. However, a new generation of Iranian poets revived Elahi’s legacy as a poet and a translator as part of their search for new modes of expression and experimentation with language. High Tide of the Eyes translates Elahi’s most important poems, as gathered together in two posthumously published volumes, Vision (2014) and Youths (2015), into English. High Tide of the Eyes will be the first to introduce a key voice in Persian literary modernism to an Anglophone audience.

Elahi’s poetics is distinguished by its diversity of styles and registers. Traversing the borders of ambiguity and clarity, speech and writing, familiarity and foreignness, in Elahi’s work the nuances of the Persian language are registered in ways that are without precedent in Persian poetry. To the translators, the process of creating these translations was like a musha’ira, a Persian tradition of poetic recitation in which one poet completes the other’s poem. The translation process exiled us from our native language and taught us to give voice to Elahi’s poetics in a language it was never intended to inhabit.

Note: For all our translation projects from right-to-left written languages, our books are designed to prioritize and center the language (and therefore direction) of origin; the PDF is therefore designed to be oriented R-to-L.
This book has two covers and two “beginnings” — find the Persian translation running R-to-L, and the the English translation running L-to-R, meeting in the middle.

About the Contributor(s)

Bijan Elahi (1945-2010) is the hermit-poet of Persian modernism. For much of his life, he was the leading figure in a circle of young poets who developed the movement known as Other Poetry (she'r-e digar), which was to transform Iranian literary modernism. Elegant, meditative, and experimental, Elahi's poetry offers an unprecedented synthesis of the Persian classical poetic styles with the modernism he inherited from Nima Yushij (d. 1960).

Kayvan Tahmasebian is a poet, translator, literary critic, and the author of Isfahan's Mold (Sadeqia dar Bayat Esfahan, 2016). His poetry has appeared in Notre Dame Review, the Hawai'i Review, Salt Hill, and Lunch Ticket, where it was a finalist for The Gabo Prize for Literature in Translation & Multilingual Texts in 2017.

Rebecca Ruth Gould is the author of the award-winning monograph Writers & Rebels (Yale University Press, 2016) and the poetry collection Cityscapes (Alien Buddha Press, 2019). She has translated many books from Persian and Georgian, including After Tomorrow the Days Disappear: Ghazals and Other Poems of Hasan Sijzi of Delhi (Northwestern University Press, 2016) and The Death of Bagrat Zakharych and other Stories by Vazha-Pshavela (Paper & Ink, 2019). She is currently director of the ERC-funded project, "Global Literary Theory" and Professor, Islamic World & Comparative Literature, at the University of Birmingham.

Farid Bayan, "My Eyes," from Under Surveillance, 2012.

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