
  • Maryam Parhizkar (author, artist)
  • Elæ Moss (artist)

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Poetry, Visual Poetry, Home, Place, Music, Composition, Ballad, Chapbook, By Hand

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Publication media type

Print Document


Pull is part of a longer body of work where I have been trying to figure out how to write the place of home — where one is from; where might hold a certain love, however difficult; where one holds a certain history and lineage. The tension of that kind of shelter with what might follow: knowing the larger world that surrounds it, the world that might try to describe that space for you. I also keep thinking of music: how a composer’s work might become apocryphal in that larger world. We might hear it years after it was written, and either we just pass through the work or ask ourselves how someone came to make such a thing out of themselves. This is a ballad, very loosely, in the sense that certain phrases and words become refrains, and in the sense that it time travels.” — Maryam Parhizkar

About the Contributor(s)

Maryam Parhizkar writes/researches/makes music/studies/teaches/works in New York City. She is increasingly convinced that you could approximate the weight of anything by note of sound quality. You can find her on Tumblr. There is more to come.

Elæ Moss is a multimodal artist-researcher, curator, designer, and educator. Seeking Speculative Solidarities, they employ analog and digital media to investigate human, institutional and ecological systems and to iterate open source strategies for ecological and social change. Recent projects have shown at La Mama Galleria, EFA Project Space, STWST/Ars Electronica, Usdan Gallery, Judson Church, the Segal Center, SOHO20, Dixon Place, and the Exponential Festival, among others. Select publications include Big Echo, Tagvverk, Vestiges, Matters of Feminist Practice, The Transgender Narratives Anthology, Choice Words: Writers on Abortion, The Brooklyn Poets Anthology, and Resist Much, Obey Little: Inaugural Poems to the Resistance. Books include Ground, Blood Altas, Overview Effect, Sweet and Low: Indefinite Singular, Bodies of Work, and The Precarity Bodyhacking Work-Book and Guide. Moss is a Professor at Pratt Institute, and the developer / founder of the Operating System + Liminal Lab. More at: and

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