
  • Brad Baumgartner (author)
  • Heidi Reszies (artist)



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Poetry, Visual Poetry, Symbol, Icon, Science, Physics, Mechanics, Digital, Chapbook

Publication date




Publication media type

Digital Document

Publication series

Digital Chapbook Series

Quantum Mechantics: Memoirs of a Quark

The quantum world, like the mystical, is anonymous, aporetic, hidden. In order to view this strange realm — one filled with particles darting in and out of nowhere; of what Einstein once famously called “spooky action at a distance” — this collection takes as its subject matter a myriad of interfacings — quantum physics, mysticism, cryptography, impersonality, and meontology, to name a few. Playfully rigorous and rigorously playful, Quantum Mechantics experimentally indexes a poetic form of ludic hopping (hop, from Old English hoppian “to spring, leap; to dance; to limp”). These text objects perform as the quantum world does: boggling and indeterminate, we discover a subatomic, quantum poetry-without-us — one that paradoxically exists only when observed.

About the Contributor(s)

Brad Baumgartner is a writer, theorist, and Assistant Teaching Professor of English at Penn State. Recent creative work has appeared in Burning House Press, X Ray Literary Magazine, Vestiges, and others. Current projects include a hybrid work entitled Stylinaut, which was shortlisted for the 2019 Tarpaulin Sky Book Award, and a play called the -tempered mid-riff. He is the author of Quantum Mechantics: Memoirs of a Quark (The Operating System, 2019). Weird Mysticism, a monograph, is forthcoming from Lehigh UP in 2021.

Heidi Reszies is a poet/transdisciplinary artist living in Richmond, Virginia. Her visual art is included in the National Museum of Women in the Arts CLARA Database of Women Artists. She teaches letterpress printing at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts, and is the creator/curator of Artifact Press. Her poetry collection titled Illusory Borders is forthcoming from The Operating System in 2019. Her collection titled Of Water & Other Soft Constructions was selected by Samiya Bashir as the winner of the Anhinga Press 2018 Robert Dana Prize for Poetry (forthcoming in 2019). Find her at

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