
  • Elæ Moss (author, artist)





Page count



Poetry, Prose, Body, System, Systems, Communication, Mind, Hybrid, Queer, Trans, Transgender, LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, LGBTQIA, LGBTQIA+

Publication date




Publication media type

Print Document
Artist's Book

Publication series

Kin(d)* Texts & Projects

Sweet and Low: Indefinite Singular

Sweet and Low: Indefinite Singular is an artist’s book, of a cellular cluster using text as a medium through which to understand “body,” “systems,” and communicative possibilities. The pain of that body, the mirrors and lack thereof, the strangeness of sound on the tongue becoming concrete, an alchemy towards ink and paper, a transmutation that hopes for healing for “self” and “other,” for biome and kin. What does it mean if your practice is [questions]? What muscular yearning can be spat into paginated form, and plant, as seed, as rhizome? This, a foray. A void containing.

About the Contributor(s)

ELÆ [Lynne DeSilva-Johnson] is a cell cluster attempting to person — aka, a multimodal creative practitioner, curator, cultural scholar and educator. Their work employs text, installation, sound design, performance, digital tech and speculative theory in addressing the somatic, ontological intersections between persons, forms of language, and systems, as well as the study of resilient, open source strategies for ecological and social change. Features include Protagony at The Exponential Festival, How to Human: Resistance Protocols as part of Performing Knowledge at the Segal Center, the Speculative Resilience Radical Practice Library & Lab for the Anarchist Bookfair, Dixon Place’s HOT! Festival, and a field lab installation for Ars Electronica / STWST. Publications include Vestiges, Big EchoMatters of Feminist PracticeThe Transgender Narratives Anthology, Choice Words: Writers on Abortion, and many more. Solo text projects include GroundBlood AltasOverview Effect, Sweet and Low: Indefinite Singular, the collaborative Boddy Oddy Oddy, an ekphrastic project with painter Georgia Elrod, and The Precarity Bodyhacking Work-Book and Guide, with Cory Tamler and Storm Budwig. Hats: Visiting Assistant Professor at Pratt Institute, Founder/Creative Director of The Operating System / Liminal Lab, Communications Manager for More Art, and lead R&D for the Brooklyn node of the Mycelium Network Society. A door via IG: @thetroublewithbartleby.

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