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[h2] The OPERATING SYSTEM is a question, not an answer. [/h2] [spacer] [teaser] THIS is not a fixed entity. It is an ongoing experiment in resilient creative practice which necessarily morphs…

In his debut collection, Gurarie experiments with absurdity, dissonance, and a patchwork of influences to consider the language of society in decline. Across four distinct sections, he explores the cultural…

In the sequel to The Codex Mojaodicus, Steven Alvarez’s experimental Manhatitlán returns to the mythopoetic mode to build a network of layered rhythms, designs, images, languages, and voices, with the nodal point…

Hypermobilities is a verse-memoir in haiku, written over two years of intense engagement with the medical system. Samuels composed these poems in her head while strapped down within MRI machines, in…

ABOUT THIS RESOURCE Since this project’s inception, all publications and media produced under The Operating System umbrella (and now via the Liminal Lab open learning platform) have used CC BY…

“At long last here’s Bill Considine’s considered, rollicking, breezy, deep, avant-post take on what Poetry is, what Theater is, and what happens when these arts tumble dance through history together…

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