QUANTUM MECHANTICS :: Memoirs of a Quark :: Brad Baumgartner [2019]

Digital chap: click here for pdf download.
Also available as a print chapbook in our store.


The quantum world, like the mystical, is anonymous, aporetic, hidden. In order to view this strange realm—one filled with particles darting in and out of nowhere; of what Einstein once famously called “spooky action at a distance”—this collection takes as its subject matter a myriad of interfacings—quantum physics, mysticism, cryptography, impersonality, and meontology, to name a few. Playfully rigorous and rigorously playful, Quantum Mechantics experimentally indexes a poetic form of ludic hopping (hop, from Old English hoppian “to spring, leap; to dance; to limp”). These text objects perform as the quantum world does: boggling and indeterminate, we discover a subatomic, quantum poetry-without-us—one that paradoxically exists only when observed.

Brad Baumgartner is a writer, theorist, and Assistant Teaching Professor of English at Penn State. His recent critical and creative work has recently appeared in Interdisciplinary Humanities, Cyclops Journal, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, Vestiges, Minor Literature[s], and others. Current projects include ‘Weird Mysticism’, a scholarly monograph, as well as several creative projects including a hybrid work entitled ‘Stylinaut’ and a book of poetry, ‘Ailis of Fintona’.


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