EDITORIAL / CALL :: Rhizomatic Intentcasting and Cocreative Support :: Live Broadcast with links, notes, minutes and intentions for modelling
I know I say I'm excited to share things with you all the time -- this is genuinely true, and makes me even more excited. It's exciting that there's so many things to get excited about. In creativity and collaboration, there is more foment and room for possibility at this very moment than I've ever experienced before. And like YES! magazine for the creative community, perhaps, we're here to share the good news, in order to help you actualize that ... and learn who else is doing so. We've been addressing the use of social technologies and publication more and more recently, it seems. And with good reason: every day new tools crop up that can be incredibly useful in the establishment and leveraging of "creative agency" that we are working to model here at Exit Strata. For the past few weeks, we've been featuring the Field Notes and field recordings of Kennedy Karate/Nightbus Radio, via which we introduced the community to Soundcloud's fellowship program... as well as, perhaps, to the possibilities inherent in that recording and distribution platform. Since then, I signed on to begin broadcasting live across social platforms using the Spreaker application, which allows users to automatically record, broadcast and disseminate audio content (and mix in various audio sources). In so doing, I immediate recognizes the possibilities for this platform as, essentially, another form of publication-as-self-valuation, for creative people of ALL types, not just people who define themselves as "musicians," or "sound" artists in any way. The immediacy of the medium makes it an incredibly powerful one, in so far as it allows for simulcast of thoughts, read material, or whatever the individual so chooses, which can be recorded virtually via any internet connection and/or mobile device. Of course, to be unintentional with this tool creates confusion and adds to noise - as does misuse of ANY tool or technology, from farming and fishing nets to AI. It's the intentionality and clarity of purpose that makes this most powerful: we can engage with it to create continuous documentation of process in a way that is incredibly human, due to the connective qualities of the VOICE. After signing up I began circulating both my new channel and inviting others to participate via integration with facebook and twitter, and others began to use it as well and invite others on board. There was an immediate ripple affect, which simultaneously inspired essential conversations about process value and transparency that I knew could be useful to the community as others make their way through this new, seemingly overwhelming, wilderness of potential. I want to comfort people in knowing that the learning curve is gentle. These are not complicated tools, but they do require some quiet approaching, like a skittish animal... or maybe YOU are the skittish animal! Be gentle, it's a new paradigm :) What we've done here is used another powerful tool, Google Hangout, broadcast live via YouTube integration, to record a dialogue around these tools and their possibilities in shifting both community and self in the way we approach creative work. Taylor Quilty, in Asheville, NC, and Lancelot Runge, in Philadelphia PA, both of whom have also begun podcasting through Spreaker this week, join me for the discussion. What you also see here are the notes we co-wrote while on the "hangout" through integration with google docs, and some basic minutes of where the conversation went, including links to relevant information. You'll also find mini embedded players for each of our Spreaker casts, as well as a drop box for the new Exit Strata group on Soundcloud, where we will begin to gather community sound content (anything goes!) for upcoming live dialogues and community curated podcasts. Truly - there is limitless potential here. COME PLAY. {broadcast live via google+ hangouts on air} Rhizomatic Notes / Minutes Tuesday September 18 2012 Lynne DeSilva-Johnson Lancelot Runge Taylor Quilty
Exit Strata is pleased as punch to introduce you to interdisciplinary conceptual artist Chloë Bass, who will be sending us Field Notes from her upcoming journey across the pond as she continues her ongoing work with The Bureau of Self-Recognition.
This episode of Nightbus Radio’s FIELD NOTES finds Jack Kennedy in Chicago, Illinois. If you haven't been introduced to guest blogger “Kennedy Karate,” yet, read the pre-quel intro to this Soundcloud Fellow‘s series HERE, and check out episode 2, Dreamcatching
ART :: Allison Malinsky and the Places of Memory :: RETORNO
Introduce yourself
ART :: OPENINGS presents FRENZY INTO FOLLY : Virtual Gallery I :: Hildebrandt, Nelson, Penizzotto, Brennan, Bellucci
In celebration of Awesome Creators OPENINGS Collective upcoming group show, Frenzy into Folly, Exit Strata will be featuring the work of the 38 participating artists weekly in anticipation of and through the run [September 14 - October 26, 2012, Opening Reception Thursday -
li·men; n. pl. li·mens or lim·i·na 1. The threshold of a physiological or psychological response. 2. The external opening of a canal; an entrance. limi·nal adj. [line] I consider it a really good sign that my gut impulse on starting to write up this introduction to OPENINGS is to begin with the word,
Ripe For Pleasure on Mysterious Mountain - TRAILER from Bride of Fire on Vimeo. "The mountains got tired / Of sitting amongst a sleeping audience" - Hafiz Awesome Creators : Heliopolis Project continues to inspire with DO
FIELD NOTES :: Now Playing on Nomadic Nightbus Radio:: Jack "Kennedy Karate" Wants YOU
I’ve had one hell of a time in Nashville. I lost my virginity and my pride watching and listening to some insanely talented musicians playing on Broadway. My man on the scene, Christopher Walken, got an eye opening interview with
Editorial:: THE OPERATING SYSTEM IS A VERB : Evolve Your Expectations
Intentions and Aspirations: If you've been hanging out by our lockers for a while you already know some of the language by which we define The Operating System. We've referred to this
Editorial: LEVEL UP! Gratitude, Growth and Other Goings On in the Exit Strata-sphere
There is a poem I wrote in the early spring that describes the moment of meeting, and attraction, as... cellular intelligence, as when
my electrons got all jumpy-like
from first you walked in the room
recognized yours like an overdue reunion
refugees from the counties of each other
and I bring that up now because, metaphorically, our Exit Strata electrons have been getting all jumpy-like a hell of a lot recently.
Far beyond a one-to-one connection, this piece posits a theory of interpersonal co-evolution that I've been tossing around lately -- one that suggests that we instinctively recognize our creationary comrades: those who will make our world and life a better place, who will inspire us, challenge us, and help us evolve.
This electromagnetic impulse, lets say - the biological inclination to draw this person or these people into your self or your environment - becomes/grows into "love" with WORK: because even chemical reactions require catalysts, and require the appropriate conditions for full realization.
We come to love those people who bring this original impulse into being -- through the ultimately selfless act of commitment to another person or group of people. We appreciate and feel in our very bodies how awesome it is that these people stay with us, and give of themselves and their energy again and again.
So we're going to start out with a big hearty THANK YOU. Oh man.
We love you people.
We love our contributors, the people who come to our events, the people who write us email, the people who chat with us at our tables -- and we get all jumpy for you.
You know why? Because you make us believe in what we're doing, and you show us that YOU believe in what we're doing. You let us know that it supports and inspires you. That it is encouraging and enabling and growing your work and your connections and your community. And because altogether, we're feeling like we've, well, LEVELLED UP. To a new Strata.
Let's hear it for 2012! Did you know it's the United Nations' Year of Cooperatives? I think that "country of eachother" those lines channel an understanding of is, in fact, the collaborative, cooperative future we are building here together.