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[caption id="attachment_1414" align="alignleft" width="504"] clockwise from top left: Exit Strata PRINT! vol. 1 "brownie", PRINT! vol. 1 limited edition, blood atlas (DeSilva-Johnson), obsolete objects in the literary imagination (Pinder), limited edition vol.1 broadside[/caption] You know how, just when you think that everything is about to slow down, and you're going to have time for all the things on your To-Do-list, which is looking more and more like an epic poem? And then, you know, it doesn't slow down at all? Yeah. Then. Well, that's kind of how it's been since the print launch...

Baby's all grown up! From its humble, DIY origins six years ago, Bushwick Open Studios [BOS] has blossomed into a behemoth of truly staggering proportions. This year, the festival -- highlighting arts and culture born and bred in this vibrant, buzzing, quarter of the Brooklyn creative map -- hosts an almost unbelievable 545 Events.  It's a veritable smorgasbord, and like all festivals of this type is sure to include the good, bad, and the ugly. But the ugly could in fact be simply challenging, and you might just stumble onto the private studio of someone you'll later be able to say, "oh wow, I went to their show back in Bushwick in 2012!" -- but of course Bushwick itself has grown both as a real estate alternative and a refuge for artists fleeing rising rents in other parts of the city, and the weekend now hosts many artists already quite well known, represented, and collected internationally. 

Exit Strata is pleased to invite you to an exciting event celebrating art, collaboration, and community in Brooklyn this coming sunday. F.O.K.U.S. [Fighting Obstacles Knowing Ultimate Success] is an arts organization founded at UMich in 2003 by art students committed to promoting and creating opportunities for creative individuals and communities -- it now has chapters in New York and Ann Arbor, and is a fully fledged 501c3 nonprofit, which has been organizing public events like this one ever since! Awesome Creator Anna Barsan, of the Signified Project [in collaboration with Jessie Levandov] started working with FOKUS in Ann Arbor, and is now a member of the NYC chapter; along with Gio(vanna) Fischer, Anna was instrumental in bringing this event into being... and to our attention! The focus of FOKUS is right in line with our own, and we could not be more thrilled to introduce our communities to each other. Without further ado, THE FLOCK:

Mark Snyder, Ladies and Gentleman!

MARK SNYDER started writing plays in the eighth grade, casting himself in the juiciest parts.  He now prefers giving real live actors that opportunity.  His work has been performed at HEREThe Tank, the SF OOB [Samuel French Off-Off Broadway Play] Festival, the (sadly-defunct) Slipper RoomPete's Candy Store, and throughout assorted speakeasies and bistros throughout downtown NYC.  He can be found riding his bike and churning homemade ice cream at home in Brooklyn, and at:

     **Editor's Note: Mark has a terrific new play out, so he's been sneaky and given us our WWWWHW answers in regards to A DECENT STRETCH, showing at THE TANK NYC on 4/28-29. We are so excited about the play (and bringing a cadre of folks -- come with!) that we allowed it -- for now. Check back for more on Mark's creative process (the real WWWWHW) shortly! What we cannot leave out of this profile is that for our inaugural A.C., no one fits the bill more than Mark -- in addition to having a FT "job" (shiver) this man gets up every day before 5 am to write. The last play I saw of his was up at HERE... a month ago. And that's about the clip he keeps. CONSTANT rigor. He is a marvel and an inspiration! (And look at those abs!)  

Who is an awesome creator? Why... YOU are! It's still Poetry Month, and we at Exit Strata have been largely focused on that discipline, with our invitational 30/30/30 Inspiration, Community, Tradition posts. However, we want to stress that we love and are inspired by *all* creative disciplines -- in fact, that this big love is why we are here.  The primary intention behind using our virtual home as a portal for not only for content but for people is to bring together creators from all mediums: a reminder that we are more alike than we are different. 

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